As the links between video games and online casino continue to intertwine, the Game Play series discovers how the gambling industry’s key players embarked on their gaming journey. 

This week we spoke to Karl-Jorit Hausdorf, Head of AI Business Incubator at FUJITSU European Platform Business, to discuss his formative experiences in the gaming world, as well as the games he can play over-and-over again. 

SlotBeats: Are you a PC or console gamer? What was your first home gaming experience? 

Karl-Jorit Hausdorf: I have always been a PC gamer at heart. Ever since I was a teenager, gaming has always been a big part of my daily life. 

My very first home gaming experience was playing Commander Keen on my family’s computer. Commander Keen was a fantastic game that was set in space, which later went on to be released on GameBoy.

I remember being captivated by the graphics and the sense of adventure that the game provided. It was a formative experience that sparked my lifelong love for video games. Keep the gameplay experience simple – sometimes simplicity is the best way to engage players.

SB: What is your favourite game of all time and why?

KJH: My favourite game of all time is Gothic 2, due to its engaging storyline and the freedom it offers in character development. 

I appreciate games with a clear beginning and end, there is a narrative that is obvious throughout the game and I think that Gothic 2 delivers that in a satisfying way. Having a clear ending is a great thing too – it would keep my brain too busy for too long a time otherwise, and that’s not great when you’re trying to work!

SB: What mobile game have you spent the most time playing?

KJH: The mobile game that I’ve spent the most time playing is the Backgammon Online app. Generally I’m not a big fan of mobile gaming, but I find this one easy enough to understand and it passes the time when I have a spare few minutes in the evening. 

SB: Which mobile game are you currently playing?

KJH: I’m not currently playing any mobile games, but I’m excited to start playing Snake once I receive my new Nokia 3210! That was a game that, I think I’d be right in saying, captured the attention of everyone at one point or another. 

It’s been a few years since I’ve played it though, so let’s see how capable I’m still of controlling the snake … I have a feeling that it may be slightly harder than I remember it being!

SB: Last video game completed?

KJH: The last video game I completed, again, was Gothic 2, which I played on the Nintendo Switch. I love this game and have completed it a few times more than I would like to admit! 

Despite playing this on a different console, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience because it retained the same classic graphics and gameplay as the original release.

SB: Favourite video game character?

KJH: It’s hard to pick just one, as there are so many characters who could be worthy of that title. But there is one character which particularly stands out for me: Andrew Reynolds, also known as ‘The Boss’ or ‘The Master of Disaster,’ from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2. His unique skating style and impressive tricks made him a standout character in the game.