As the links between video games and online casino continue to be taken to new levels, the Game Play series discovers how key characters within the gambling industry embarked on their gaming journey. 

This week, we spoke with Justin Anastasi, CEO of VentureMax Group, to find out which game enthralled him with “nail-biting moments at every turn”, as well as the mobile games that allow him to “feel at peace” when playing. 

SlotBeats: Are you a PC or console gamer and what was your first home gaming experience?

Justin Anastasi: I am more of a console gamer. My first experience was with a GameBoy, and naturally the first game was none other than the classic Donkey Kong. Now, I can’t say that was my favourite game, but at the time when this whole new world came out, those pixels were completely out of this world.

SlotBeats: What is your favourite game of all time and why?

JA: This is a difficult one to answer, but overall I would have to say Final Fantasy 7. It was ahead of its time and brought so many elements I loved – the very well-thought-out and engaging storyline, characters you can really resonate with, as well as the action, battles and the nail-biting moments that were at every turn.

SlotBeats: What mobile game have you spent the most time playing? 

JA: It’s mainly Chess and Solitaire. Now of course there are a lot of other games out there, but these two are easy to get your head around, are good distractions and have sentimental value, so I always feel at peace whilst playing them. Then of course there is Candy Crush, if I ever want something a bit more animated.

SlotBeats: Which mobile game are you currently playing?  

JA: I wouldn’t really say any particular game, I’m a bit old-fashioned like that and really prefer the console gaming experience. For some reason, mobile just doesn’t feel the same.

SlotBeats: What is the last video game completed, and who is your favourite video game character? 

JA: The last one was Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, though my favourite character would probably be Commander Shepard from Mass Effect, who to me is an inspirational and resilient leader who unites a diverse team, makes decisive moral choices and strategically navigates tough, complex and seemingly impossible situations. 

SlotBeats: What would you consider to be your favourite all-time slot?

JA: In terms of my favourite slot, that would definitely be FruitWarp by Thunderkick. It’s just a fun and simple game that really gets you loving the bonuses.