As the links between video games and online casino continue to be taken to new levels, the Game Play series discovers how the gambling industry’s key players embarked on their gaming journey. 

Copy of Altenar Headshots Jan 24 45
Rachel Azzopardi, Content Manager at Altenar

This week we spoke to Rachel Azzopardi, Content Manager at Altenar, to discuss her exploration into new consoles, addictive mobile games and the titles she considers as all-time favourites. 

SlotBeats: Are you a PC or console gamer?  

Rachel Azzopardi: I am both a console gamer and PC gamer. I own a collection of PlayStation consoles, including the portable versions. However, I recently bought a new computer allowing me to explore PC games, including Xbox titles, which I had never played and owned before. 

There is so much variety across a wide range of consoles and PCs that I absolutely love playing games on both types, as they have a lot of unique traits.

SB: What was your first home gaming experience? 

RA: My first home gaming experience was the PlayStation 2, but I grew up playing on a PlayStation 1 that belonged to my relatives on the weekend. I spent my early years enjoying the PS1 until I was old enough to get my own PS2 in the early 2000’s. The PlayStation is arguably the biggest brand of consoles ever made and I really enjoyed what it had to offer when it was first released. It was so ahead of its time.

SB: What is the first video game you ever played? 

RA: The first game I ever played was Tarzan on the PlayStation 1. It was so much fun and relatable, as everyone knew who Tarzan was when growing up. It was amazing to be able to get to see the character in the video game realm.

SB: What is your favourite game of all time and why? 

RA: I have so many favourite games so it’s hard to choose just one. However, one game I consider an all-time favourite is Mass Effect 2. I dedicated countless hours to achieving the best possible outcome in the story. I loved the characters, their interactions, and the relationships between them. The choices you make genuinely affect the game, which is something I truly love in gaming.

SB: What mobile game have you spent the most time playing?

RA: Flappy Bird was the game that got me hooked, but I had to delete it because it was too addictive. When it first came out, it was a real talking point between all my friends and we competed often to see who could get the highest score.

SB: Which mobile game are you currently playing?

RA: I’m currently playing Among Us because it’s incredibly fun to play with friends. The popularity of interactive video games is at an all-time high and it is great to know that you can play with friends frequently and enjoy some fun competition.

SB: Last video game completed?

RA: The last video game I completed was Baldur’s Gate 3, clocking in at 120 hours and many sleepless nights! However, I definitely don’t regret the journey I went on with it as it is an amazing game and one which I would recommend to anyone.

SB: Favourite video game character? 

RA: My favourite female game character is Jane Shepard, the main female protagonist from the Mass Effect trilogy. My favourite male character is Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series. Both games have a plethora of amazing and memorable characters but these two stand out for me.

SB: Favourite all-time slot?

RA: My favourite slot is the Pachinko game from Metal Gear Solid. They recreated many cutscenes from Metal Gear Solid 3, making it my favourite. The collaboration was just incredible and it will be hard to beat.