ESA Gaming takes aggregation step for Leap Gaming’s virtual sports

ESA Gaming takes aggregation step for Leap Gaming’s virtual sports

ESA Gaming has delved further into the virtual sports vertical after reaching an aggregation agreement with Leap Gaming

Enhancing the content offering of its own Game Aggregation Service, ESA Gaming can now offer its operator partners a host of virtual sports titles from Leap Gaming, including Virtual Races, Virtual Golf and Virtual Football League. 

Over 15 games have been included in Leap Gaming’s content package, with each title boasting ‘ultra-realistic’ 3D graphics.

Thomas Smallwood, Head of Marketing at ESA Gaming, said: “Embarking on this venture with Leap Gaming marks another significant step forward for our aggregation offering, providing a fusion of realism and excitement that transcends boundaries.

“With Leap Gaming’s cutting-edge titles, we are not just expanding our platform, we are elevating the gaming experience for our partners and players alike.”

In addition to virtual sports content, Leap Gaming has agreed to supply ESA’s aggregation platform with an array of slot, lottery and table games, with titles like Shields of Troy, Magic Fusion,and 3D Baccarat set to become available. 

Tal Yogev, Chief Operating Officer at Leap Gaming, added: “We’re delighted to add our products to ESA Gaming’s GAS platform for the igaming industry. 

“We’re confident that its operator partners will love our engaging, exciting slot titles and look forward to reaching new heights together.”

The move sees ESA Gaming continue to bolster its aggregation service, having previously formed similar deals with the likes of Gaming Corps and Red Rake Gaming.

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