Gaming Corps takes Smash4Cash to the Wild West with Buffalo Bash

Gaming Corps takes Smash4Cash to the Wild West with Buffalo Bash

Gaming Corps has strengthened its Smash4Cash series with the launch of its latest Wild West-themed instant game, Buffalo Bash Smash4Cash

Bringing the studio’s Smash4Cash mechanic back to players’ screens, the game presents different colours of balls, each hiding either monetary prizes or bonus features inside. 

After players choose their wager and select ‘play’, a hammer will slam down onto the different balls. Each ball may not break on the first hammer slam, meaning players may have to place multiple stakes to break one ball. 

Connor Blinman, Head of Games at Gaming Corps, commented: “The Smash4Cash series has been a massive hit with players, and Buffalo Bash Smash4Cash allows us to explore another exciting and popular theme with the mechanic. 

“With the Smash4Cash series, we are on a mission to revolutionise mobile gaming and we are constantly searching for new ways to introduce the mechanic to players. With Buffalo Bash, we feel we have created one of the series’s most unique and exciting titles to date and we can’t wait to see how players react.”

Black and blue balls can reveal prize values from x1 to x5 the player’s wager, while green balls can offer between x1 and x9. 

Next up, brown balls can reveal prizes between x1 and x10, with orange balls offering between x1 and x20 the chosen bet. 

Furthermore, red balls can provide wins between x1 and x50 the player’s wager, pink balls can offer between x1 and x100 and special multi-coloured balls can offer a smaller range of prizes between x1 and x100. 

While different coloured balls provide different prizes, each ball can reveal one of the game’s four bonus features. 

One of these bonus features is the rampage bonus, which causes a special hammer to appear that is guaranteed to smash balls and reveal prizes in one go, smashing between two and 10 balls. 

Balls can also reveal multiplier coins of x2, x3, x4, x5 or x10. When revealed, the next ball is guaranteed to be smashed, with its prize value enhanced by the previously revealed multiplier coin. 

A multi-rampage feature is also available, performing the rampage feature, but with a multiplier value applied to all prizes revealed in the rampage feature. These values include x2, x3, x4, x5 or x10. 

Finally, players can reveal one of four jackpot prizes in any ball, with mini (x10), minor (x25), major (x100) and mega (x1,000) prizes available. 

Players can buy access to the multiplier coin bonus for x6.85 their stake, the rampage bonus for x12.93 or the multiplier rampage for x27.66. 

If readers would like to test out the Buffalo Bash Smash4Cash demo for themselves, they can click here to be taken to Gaming Corps’ official website. 

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